SkillsUSA T-Shirt Competition
SkillsUSA holds a t-shirt/pin design competition in each state. The winning design for each state would need to be representative of that state, it would need to include the state name, the words "SkillsUSA," and the year. There was also a limitation on colors used; the pin design required two spot colors, while the t-shirt design required four spot colors.
Gold Medal Winner, T-Shirt Competition

My Process: I also set up a moodboard of other t-shirt designs, SkillsUSA pin/t-shirt designs, and Minnesota icons and images. I began sketching. Given the task of creating a design that "says" Minnesota, I began by using an outline of the state. I also knew that I wanted to include our state bird, the loon. I began composing a picture that used elements of the Northern Minnesota landscape. I was briefly stymied by the rule stipulating that I use only four spot colors and no gradients, but switching to three neutrals and red for the loon's eye solved that problem.
Process Board
I laid out the elements of my design and my design process on this three panel board for my oral presentation to the judges.

Silver Medal Winner, Pin Design Competition
The process for the pin design was the same as for the t-shirt design, the only difference being that the pin design allowed only two spot colors. Below are the large and small images of the design which I had to turn in before making my presentation to the judges.

Here are a few sketches from the generative stage of my design.