Above: The logo for RockPaperPoem
The Logo
RockPaperPoem (https://rockpaperpoem.com/) is an online poetry journal with a whimsical name that is a play on rock-paper-scissors. However, as I began the design process for the logo, I was encouraged to think of rock as something stable and grounding, rather than as a game piece, so I created something solid, putting all three words together and using large and small caps. To add a bit of playfulness to the piece, I altered the bottom of the initial capital R, giving it curves and bringing the line to a point.
The type: Gwyner Light and Gwyner Regular
Program: Adobe Illustrator

Mock-ups of the initial homepage design and of the current website displaying the poem tiles.
Website Background
For the website background, I considered numerous images, mocking them up for presentation to the rest of the group. The final group consensus was for a photo I shot of the beginnings of the Mississippi River running through the "stepping stones" at Lake Itasca State Park.

homepage mock-up with chosen image

The image used for the website's background: a photograph of the mighty Mississippi's beginnings as it runs through the "stepping stones" at Lake Itasca.
Images for Poem Tiles
My involvement with RockPaperPoem is as a visual designer. I create, locate, and format images that accompany poem titles for each issue of the journal. Many of these images are royalty-free Creative Commons photos or illustrations located on free image sites that are used alone or as part of composite images. I also use my own photographs as standalone images or parts of composites and I create illustrations.

An illustration I created for a poem called "Seeing Music" which talks about music being like a person moving through a house, treble clefs appearing when they pass.

Composite image of a free photo of a crow and my own photo of the sunset for the poem "Crows.".

An Illustration I created for the poem "The Very Short Memoir of an Ant"